Das Spiel mit den Genen
Überlisten wir die Evolution?
Documentary, 2018, ORFIII
Translated Title: “The game of genes - are we cheating evolution?”
Scientists have recently discovered a new method of gene-editing, called CRISPR-CAS9. This invention has countless applications and could revolutionize modern medicine. Yet, if we don’t handle it carefully, it could break humanity.
Der frühe Start ins Leben
Neonatologie in Österreich
Documentary, 2015, ORFIII
Translated Title: “An early start to life - Neonatology in Austria”
This documentary from 2015 adresses the challenges of newborn intensive care medicine. A deeply human story about medical advancement and the fragility of life.
Wie unsere Gene lernen
Documentary, 2016, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Epigenetics - How our genes learn”
In the progressive field of epigenetics, recent insights have become subject to broad public discussion. This documentary explains what epigenetics means, and what impact these new insights could have on your life.
Gesunde Kindheit 4.0
Documentary, 2018, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Healthy Childhood 4.0”
In an everchanging and fast-paced world as ours today, it may feel like there is less and less to hold on to, and that the essence of childhood has been altered by this phenomenon.
Superkeime im Vormarsch?
“Antibiotika in der Krise”
Documentary, 2016, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Multitasking - Always under pressure and healthy still?”
The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance was already predicted by Alexander Fleming, the inventor of penicillin. With an evergrowing number of resistant bacteria and little new substances coming our way, there is action to take in order to prevent an antibiotic crisis.
Ständig unter Strom und trotzdem gesund?
Documentary, 2016, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Multitasking - Always under pressure and healthy still?”
Multitasking is an skill that many people claim to possess. As we look at jobs that require a high level of multitasking-abilitiy, we learn that the real challenge is to do just one thing at a time, and in order to increase one’s efficiency, paradoxical thinking is required.
Aus der Kraft der Elemente
Documentary, 2016, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Energy Revolution - From the power of the elements”
As the necessity for a complete changeover to renewable energy is without debate, there is much uncertainty about the way our energy system would work in a post-oil and gas world. This documentary shows that it is technologically possible and portraits the challenges along the way.
Lebenselixier Licht
Wie die Farben unseren Körper steuern
Documentary, 2017, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Life and light - how light and colors control us”
Human life has been guided by light from the very beginning. Yet, the investigation about the nature of light is an enticing story, full of physics, medical possibilites and big bang-related chaos.
Wächter des Körpers
Documentary, 2016, ORFIII
Translated Title: “Immune system - Guardian of the body”
The immune system is one of the most efficient weapons our bodies have to offer. It’s a fascinating and complex universe of cellular interactions. Recently, the immune system has been in medical use to treat one of our greatest enemies - cancer.
Human Performance &
Experimental, 2018
A journey through the untouched wilderness of your own mind, on a quest to blur lines between you and your inner machine.